The Red Sea miracle through the “water like a wall on their right and on their left” (Exodus 14:29) brought a frightened and fleeing people through the drowning waters. A hymn of thanks soon rises from their lips (Exodus 15:1-21), celebrating the God who came to free them. In short order, they will find themselves […]
Matthew 28:16-20: The Holy Trinity
The Scripture begins by unveiling God, revealing who He is by how He operates. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” meaning God made everything. The word for God here is Elohim, a masculine plural, referring to a singular God. Ah, the divine mystery starts in Scripture’s first sentence. Next, the moving […]
Church Services Resume on May 10
After several weeks of quarantine, we will begin holding public worship services and Sunday School on May 10. Though, we still must observe social-distancing policies until we are told otherwise by health authorities. The specifics of how we’ve adapted our worship services will come to you in an e-mail. Also, the pastor will share with […]
Ezekiel 34: Who’s the Shepherd?
In Ezekiel 34, we find God’s people in a time of duress–a defeated nation in exile. But what made this worse was Israel’s leaders, their shepherds, failing in their callings. Unfaithful, they cared more about themselves than the flock God charged them to serve and lead. So, how did God respond? He said that He […]
John 20:19-23: Forgiveness Jesus’ Way
The One raised from the tomb breathes on His disciples, “Peace be with you.” Next, He shows them the injuries He suffered in His crucifixion. Again, the words, “Peace be with you,” leave His mouth. An unbreakable bond must somehow exist between our Lord’s wounds and the peace He brings them. In His sacrificial death, […]
Christos Anesti! Christ is Risen!
Now, if we preach Christ as raised from the dead, how can some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? Further, if Christ has not risen, our preaching is pointless, and so is your faith… and you are still in your sins. So, this means those who fell asleep in Christ […]
Psalm 22 and Maundy Thursday
The end of Maundy Thursday finishes with our Altar Guild stripping the altar of its paraments to prepare for Good [God’s] Friday. The lights are dimmed and the paraments are put away in reverence. As this is taking place, the pastor chants Psalm 22. A Bit about the Structure of Psalm 22 After the invocation, […]
Some Solid Worship Resources during the Pandemic
One of our elders has a son who is serving as a pastor in Lincoln, Nebraska. His congregation records their services (which are the services without the people because of the COVID-19 pandemic). Click here to go to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church’s website. Also, in February, I went to Texas to visit some relatives and […]
A Prayer in These Times of Pandemic
Prayer of the Church Heavenly Father, standing on the threshold of days and weeks unknown, we remember all Your benefits in times and ages past. In Your providence, You provided us with all the needs of body and life, with food and drink and house and home. Your bountiful hand still enriches us with the […]
Palm Sunday Service Link
Since we don’t have video capability at Shepherd of the Hills, here’s a link from a seminary friend, Pr. Chris Tiews, for his on-line Palm-Sunday Service.