Exodus, Lesson 13: God Words as It Relates to Others

Cheating Couple (610x351)Still looking into God’s Ten Words (Exodus 34:28, Deuteronomy 10:4) to His people, we continue to understand what to means to live as God’s people toward those around us.  

Read Exodus 20:14

We now take an extended look into this word from God as our culture, in many ways, revolves around one’s view of sexuality of him or herself and that of others.

Literally: “Do not adulter” [adultery as a verb]

–          If something is adulterated, what has happened to it?


–          What then does adultery do to the marriage bond?


–          What then is God saying about the importance of keeping a marriage intact?


Read Matthew 5:27-28

–          How does Jesus get to the heart of the matter?


–          Why does Jesus only mention looking “as a woman with lustful intent” but not men?  What does this reflect?


–          How does Jesus refuse to let us separate belief from the living out of what one believes (creeds from deeds)?


Read Ephesians 5:22-27

–          Discuss.


–          Marriage is meant to be a living metaphor of what?


–          From your experiences, discuss adultery, divorce, and how the Church has dealt with it.


–          Compare and contrast Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Lutheran/Protestant dealings with adultery and divorce, especially today.


–          How do we keep from falling into the ditches of legitimizing adultery and divorce or treating it as an unforgivable sin?



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