Prayer of the Church
Heavenly Father, standing on the threshold of days and weeks unknown, we remember all Your benefits in times and ages past.
In Your providence, You provided us with all the needs of body and life, with food and drink and house and home.
Your bountiful hand still enriches us with the beauty of this creation: The sights, sounds, and wonders of this world.
Though now often removed, You bring into our lives family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and colleagues.
Wherever people suffer from plague and disease, oppression or injustice, the denial of basic needs or personal distresses, be their God of mercy to meet their deepest needs.
Fill us full each morning with Your steadfast love so we can rejoice, even in these disease-ridden days.
The blessings of divine pardon and life are so profound we never outgrow our need for thankfulness.
In undeserved grace, You called us to faith and restored us to Your family.
Wherever the disease laying waste to our land permits Your people to gather around You in Word and Sacrament, shine on them with Your love and forgiveness.
Let us all exult into the realms of endless day as we rely on Your strength and salvation for us.
Make our joys surpass our days of affliction, well-past the many moments of fallenness we may endure.
Deliver us from every sin, error, and evil, the deceit and assaults of the devil, and from everlasting death.
Lord Jesus, direct and defend our president, medical authorities, and others serving in our government. Safeguard our doctors and nurses and guide them in the way they should go.
Sharpen their skills and soften their hearts to care for the weakest and most vulnerable among us.
Shield our land from discord and strife. Move our citizenry to set aside selfishness, to serve their neighbors as is best for the well-being of all.
Give to all Your concord and peace. May the days awaiting us greet us, once more, with times of joy and gladness.
Rule and govern Your One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
Unfold Your truths and enlighten us, so even we can understand what we must in these times of turmoil and tempest.
End all schisms and call all the erring and deceived into the Way of truth.
Crush Satan under our feet and accompany Your Word with Your Spirit and grace.
O Spirit, receive our thanks for the strength of faith to trust in Christ’s redemption.
Raise those who fall and strengthen those who stand.
Comfort and help the weak-hearted and troubled.
Increase true faith, belief, and love, so all may seek what is also beneficial in the eternity yet to come.
Rest Your favor upon this and every land. Move us to forgive our enemies, persecutors, and slanderers.
Bless and preserve the fruits of the earth for their proper use, all to bring glory to You.
Confirm what is right. Enable us to make proper use of the time You give us.
Welcome our words because of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Thank You for sending Your Son to save us, Father of our Salvation.
In His life and death, He showed us the pattern of life and love.
By the Spirit He sent, You set us free from our captivity to follow You.
Fill us with Jesus’ love and inspire us to serve others as He did for us. Amen.
Lord’s Prayer
Firm in Your promises, dear Father, we now cry to You using the words of Your only Son:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name,
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.