Matthew 14:13-21: Jesus Can Provide

fives loaves and two fish (610x351)When you hear about Jesus’ disciples doubting His ability to do something, did you ever think, “Why didn’t they get it? Didn’t they know what Jesus could do?” After all, they lived with Him and saw Him conquer disease, defeat demons, and quiet wind and wave. Didn’t they realize that Jesus could provide–even in that desert wasteland?

But what would make the disciples think that Jesus couldn’t provide? Let’s back up a bit in Matthew’s Gospel. King Herod had imprisoned John the Baptizer, Jesus’ cousin. Herod had beheaded him in a twisted plot of political conspiracies and sexual intrigue. Now that man whom Jesus said was the greatest ever born of a woman was dead!

And if Jesus couldn’t stop John from being beheaded, maybe He’s not all that He says He is. And so the disciples had another reason to doubt, another reason for their sinful natures to rule the day.

And how did Jesus respond? He went into the desert to get away and grieve. But there was a problem: A huge crowd followed Him. And now they were hungry, and barely a morsel of food was to be found.

And the disciples doubted. Overwhelmed by the needs around them, their faith faltered. Jesus couldn’t do anything about John; maybe, He can’t do anything about this. So they cried out to Jesus, “Send the crowds away so they can go into the villages and buy food for themselves” (Matthew 14:15).

Well, that wouldn’t do much good. There were no grocery stores out there in the desert! They were far away from any village. But what was the alternative? After all, the disciples weren’t sure if Jesus could provide.

But Jesus wants His disciples to know that He can provide. So, before He turns events around, He lets them get worse. He tells them: “They don’t need to go. You give them something to eat” (Matthew 14:16). Oh, they’re in a bind now! “But we only have five loaves and two fish here!” (Matthew 14:17). We can’t provide; the need is too great!

And so the disciples are now where they need to be. For now, they are helpless and cannot rely on their ability or strength. And it’s then that Jesus provides in just the right way. Jesus takes all the food they had, just enough food for one person: five loaves and two fish. He prays and then gives that food to His disciples. They then give it to the people. And they give, and they give, and they give, and give!

Jesus provides. Matthew told us the crowd there that day was huge. But now, we learn: “Those who ate were about 5,000 men, besides women and children” (Matthew 14:21). How many were there? 10,000? 15,000?   20,000? We don’t know.

But here’s the message: Jesus can provide, in just the right way. Just as God provided the manna in the desert, now here, again, in the desert, God provides–Jesus provides. In Jesus, God has put on the robe of human flesh. And Jesus shows, once again, that He can provide in the just the right way.

All right! It’s good that Jesus can multiply bread and fish. But what about John the Baptizer? He’s still dead! How is God going to turn Herod’s sinful act of beheading John and use that for anyone’s eternal good? Can Jesus provide even in that much of a messed-up world?

Yes, He can and does, in just the right way. John prepared the way for the Jesus. Just as John preached, so did Jesus. But Jesus’ preaching was greater. And just as John died at the hands of evil men, so will Jesus. But Jesus’ death will be greater. Yes, even in His death, Jesus will provide.

And so when the time was right, Jesus would hand Himself over to Judas. Judas would hand Him over to Caiaphas, Caiaphas to Pilate, and Pilate to the crucifixion cross. In just the right way, Jesus provides for His people. Through His suffering and death, Jesus provides peace and forgives sin. He becomes the great absorber and the great giver: He absorbs all our sin and gives us His righteousness in its place.

Herod thought that Jesus was John raised from the dead: silly man. But beyond Herod’s craziness, Jesus did rise from the dead! On Easter morning, He pushed death aside and death unraveled. Even today, Jesus provides a future and hope for us, in this life that can often be so hard. One day it will all change. Jesus can provide!

But wait! Is that right? Will it ALL change? OK, I get that Jesus provided in the desert. And, yes, by His death and resurrection He forgives all who trust in Him. But if the desert was hard, what about the world, I mean the world that God created? Yes, Jesus can even provide for the entire creation.

But look how messed up this world is! The world that killed John the Baptizer is still killing today. Evil is everywhere: In the Middle East, it looks as if, in some places, that Christianity will be persecuted into non-existence. It’s hard in this sinful, fallen world.

And Christ’s Church lives and loves in such a world. Indeed, the Church of Jesus Christ faces great challenges! You heard just a smidgen of that from Alvina Federwitz during Sunday School. And even here at home, we have ever-increasing challenges. The Church faces an increasingly hostile culture that insists that Christ’s Church change to fit the culture, instead of the Church changing us.

It’s easy to doubt and not believe the promise that Jesus can provide for us this fallen, feeble, and dying world. Maybe, the most-common way that we doubt is this: The events of this world seem overwhelming, and we become indifferent. Or maybe our hearts do break for this troubled world, but deep down we think that God won’t do anything about it.

So, let’s just grow old and die before it gets any worse. After that, our souls will be with Christ in heaven and all will be well, right? And then we’ll leave all the trouble of this physical world behind. Who needs this body anyway?

But is that right? Didn’t God make this world? Didn’t He make our bodies? And aren’t we, especially as God’s people, supposed to long for everything to be put right, as God originally intended? And didn’t Jesus teach us to pray for God’s will to be done, not only in heaven, but also here on this physical earth? And that prayer will be answered in its fullness on the Last Day.

But can Jesus provide? Will He provide? Yes, He can. And He will. For only Jesus can provide for this old, corrupted, and failing world.

God fed His people, Israel, in the desert. Jesus fed the huge crowd, also in the desert. But the Day will come when the trumpet will sound, and Christ’s power and glory will shine forth and transform all creation! That will be the Day for the great banquet.

On that Day, those who despise the Lord and His ways will be left to live in their own righteousness. But the banquet will still be set–and look who’ll be there! Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will be there. The thief on the cross who trusted in Jesus will be there. People will be there from all corners of the earth. And you, you baptized child of God will be there, for those who trust in Jesus’ promise that He can, and will, provide for this fallen and corrupted world, will be there.

So, raise your heads. Jesus can provide. He will change and heal His creation. But until that Day, the Last Day, Jesus will not only provide for you and your life here as He best sees fit, but even in heaven.

Being a follower of Jesus is often hard. After all, He’s called you to serve Him by loving your neighbor, your family, and your world. He calls you to be pure in thought and speech, to be wise and strong in your choices, and to fight against the world’s lies. You are to stand firm for Christ, bringing Him to others in both word and deed as you have the opportunity. But that’s not easy, for this fallen world is reluctant to give up her quarry. And the sin that still lives within us won’t give us a full and lasting peace.

And so we often doubt Jesus’ promises and cry out, “I can’t do that.” “Jesus can’t expect me to forgive her!” Yes, He does! Even worse, there’s part of me that doesn’t even care about what others may need. It’s easier to live a shallow life, allowing the little pleasures and distractions to fill our day. Yes, the Christian life is often tough, and like the disciples, we often doubt.

Jesus fed the crowds in the desert. On the Last Day, Jesus will spread His banquet table. But now, in this little sliver of time, eternity joins with us, and we join with it, when Jesus, who is at the right hand of the Father in eternity, also gives us a foretaste of that feast to come. His meal, the Lord’s Supper, opens for you all that He won on the cross. Jesus can, indeed, provide, in just the right way, even for your life today.

Do you need forgiveness, cleansing, and welcoming back? Come then to the Supper. Jesus will do that for you. Do you need hope that in the future, and even into forever, that Jesus can provide? Then come to the Supper. Jesus will nourish you there for as long as you live, even into eternal life. Do you need vigor and strength to begin anew, to know that Jesus will keep you in His care and raise you on the Last Day? Come then to the Supper, for where Christ forgives you, the door of His blessings open wide.

Jesus can–and does–provide. He did so in the desert, even when His disciples faltered. He also died and rose for you. So, come to the feast, knowing that a great and eternal banquet awaits you. For even when you falter, Jesus can provide. Amen.