Our Sunday Services and Sunday School are back to “normal,” that is, COVID-19 normal. Our pastor was under quarantine because he was exposed to the virus during his pastorly duties. However, his quarantine time is now over (also, he earlier tested negative). His wife has also tested negative.
Adult Sunday School will continue with Acts, finishing with the first chapter on October 18.
Right now, the Coronavirus has not mutated. So, those who have recovered from COVID-19 cannot pass on the virus to others and are safer to be around than those never infected. So, if someone was infected and has recovered, you are safe around him or her. The congregational members who did catch the virus did not do so at church or from our pastor.
Since most of us do not fall into the immune category, our COVID protocols are still in place. These will continue until we develop “herd” immunity or a vaccine has been out for a long enough time for all to get immunized.
Our pastor will continue to practice measures to help keep himself COVID-19 free. Though, he can be exposed and put another mandated quarantine since pastoral visits are part of his duties.