On May 31, 2015, our guest adult Sunday School teacher, preacher, and celebrant for the Lord’s Supper will be the Reverend Duane Maas. Until recently, he served as associate pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Springfield, Missouri (that’s how our pastor got to know him). After “retiring,” he chose to focus his efforts in bringing the saving Word of Jesus to Muslims. That’s why he now works for People of the Book Lutheran Outreach (POBLO).
POBLO was founded in 1993 in Dearborn, Michigan, a Detroit suburb with the largest concentration of Muslims in the United States and one of the largest Arab communities outside the Middle East. Since its inception, POBLO has planted 84 churches and trained and sent 116 missionaries to work in multi-cultural communities in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Beyond the U.S., POBLO has worked in a number of Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian countries. Although still focused on Muslims, POBLO missionaries have also brought the Gospel message to Hindus, Sikhs, and those with no religion belief in that region of the world.
Our 5th Sunday door offering for today is to help support the work that POBLO does.