Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church is a member congregation of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. We believe, teach, and confess the doctrine of the evangelical, orthodox, catholic faith as taught by the Holy Scriptures and faithfully confessed in the Book of Concord of 1580.
We are committed to the pure preaching of God’s Word and the proper administration of the Christ’s holy Sacraments, and teaching and passing on to all the Christian faith. Our worship is liturgical and reverential, which is consistent with the holy Scriptures, the Church catholic, and our Reformation heritage.
As Lutherans, we see our existence not so much as an “either/or” but more of a “both/and.” We are a Church where paradox is often embraced and truths that some may see as contradictory are held together in harmony.
We are a confessional Lutheran Church. That means we are catholic, but not Roman Catholic. We are evangelical, but not a part of the modern Evangelical movement. We are orthodox and missional. Our faith is ancient, yet we live as those for whom the end of the age has already come.
We are spiritual but do not denigrate the physical. We are biblical as well as sacramental. Our faith is personal, yet when one is brought into the faith, he is bought into a communion, a community, of Christ. So the faith is more than an “I believe”; it is also a “we believe,” as we live out the faith singularly and in community.
We hold that Jesus Christ–crucified and risen for the forgiveness of our sins (justification)–is the very center and core of who we are.
We are not into gimmicks. We exist to be Christ’s Bride, the Church, where God gives to us His forgiveness of sins, eternal life, and salvation. Simply put, at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, you will know you’ve been to church!